A tale of an unexpected friendship, an unlikely hero and an improbable journey...This novel might just strike you as one of the funniest, most heartbreaking novels you've ever read. This is the story of seventeen-year-old Alex Woods - born to a clairvoyant mother and a phantom father, victim of an improbable childhood accident - who is stopped at Dover customs in possession of 113 grams of marijuana and the ashes of his best friend, Vietnam veteran Isaac Peterson. What follows is a highly original and compelling account of Alex's life and the strange series of events that brought him here.
Condition: Pre-loved, Excellent
Format: B, 407 pages, Paperback Published: May 9, 2013 by Hodder & Stoughton ISBN: 9781444765892 (ISBN10: 1444765892) Language: English
Grading System
1. Excellent: The book is in excellent condition with minimal signs of wear. It appears almost new or gently used.
2. Good: The book is in good condition overall. It shows some signs of wear, such as minor creases or marks, but remains intact and readable.
3. Fair: The book is readable but shows noticeable wear. It may have significant creases, marks, or stains, but is still intact and usable.